
The Laboratory for Centrosome and Cytoskeleton Biology  

Institute of Human Genetics, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


Latest News from the Lab

October 2022

  • Nature springer "Neuromethods on Brain Organoid Research" edited by Jay is out. Easy and step-by-step methods to culture brain and retinal organoids. Checkout the Link
  • Book cover
  • New EU funding "Glioma-PerMed". An international consortium co-ordinated by Jay Gopalakrishnan has won a major EU funding to design personalized glioma medicine. Stay tuned for more news!!
  • Start up funding from BMBF (Go-Bio) "Neuronoids". The lab received a funding to develop a method to early detection of neurodegenerative markers using patient-specific brain organoids

August 2022

  • New initiative "Glio-Org". The lab received a BMBF VIP plus innovation award to develop "Personalized glioma invasion assays in human brain organoids" with the hope that one day, we will discover drugs that can stop the glioma stem cell invasions in patients' brain. The consortium is named as "Glio-Org". Soon more details.
  • New paper in "Human Molecular Genetics": Collaborative work on identifying Centrin 1 mutation in azoospermic males is in Human Molecular genetics.
  • New paper in "Nature Protocols": A step-by-step protocol to generate forebrain brain organoids with bilaterally symmetric eye primordia has been accepted for publication in Nature Protocol. Stay tuned.